Friday, November 7, 2008

Abstract...Sorry its so late Gabe!!!

How do I learn?
I am a visual person. Not everyone is a visual person. When I hear something, I don’t necessarily remember it. However, if I see something, perhaps drawn out, I am more likely to remember it. By writing out what I need to remember, I will remember it better. On flash cards I will have a definition but if possible I will have a picture. The combination of both will help me greatly.
As we proceed to a more technological era, we are using computers more and more. Thus, we are all becoming more visual human beings.
I learn by communication. I communicated with others and receive information that I store and use. Everyone learns by communicating. Communicating is not only verbal but non-verbal as well. We learn social skills by interpreting others actions.
I learn by mistakes. Mistakes teach important life rules. I made mistakes as a child and learned from them because I had my parents to help me. Now, in college, I do not have my parents with and when I make mistakes, which I do often, I am learning to pick up the pieces on my own.
Certain mistakes can be worse than others and you cannot learn from them but others can learn from them. Survival of the fittest it can be called or most recently changed to “survival of the best adapt.”
Why do I learn?
I learn for many different reasons. I learn for the sake of learning, I learn for interest, and most commonly, I learn because I have to.
My favorite is learning for the sake of learning or learning for interest. My favorite channel is Discovery Health and I love learning about medication and medical procedures. I also love reading about medical issues and researching them online. I am learning the information because it interests me, not because I have to or because I know that it will be on some test one day.
I mostly learn because I have to. I hate math and everything that goes with it. I study it and learn it because I know it is a required course that I must pass. When I do the homework it pains me because I do not find it interesting nor fun. English on the other hand, I find incredibly interesting. I love to read all books. I love to write because of the way it makes me feel.
I know more about English than I do math because I spend more time studying it and I enjoy it. If I enjoy it, it obviously comes somewhat easily to me and I understand it better.
In America, we learn a certain way. We all go to elementary school where we learn the basics of all the subjects and are forced to all study the same things. As we proceed to middle school we still study the same subjects as before but a little more in depth. We also are allowed to choose a small amount of electives. In high school we must take the same general education courses but are allowed more electives and can try as many new things as we like. I think the most important stage is high school. There, you are encouraged to try new areas of study and really discover what you are passionate about. My senior year I took almost all English classes because I loved that area. In college, we must pick a general area of study. Once that is done and we has taken all the required courses like in all the other levels we dwell on our major.
Once there, we study in depth everything about our major, then choose even more specific electives that pertain to it. America has a great structure of education because it makes everyone try everything and obtain general knowledge in all areas. But in England, it is much different.
I have several frustrations about learning. We all learn in different ways. As I stated before, I am a visual learner. Not all teachers teach in a way that is easy for me to learn. By everyone having a different learning style and it causes confusion and ultimately leads to frustration. Those with learning disabilities face even a harder battle. They are put on the same playing field as the rest of us and are expected to keep up. I am a slow reader, which makes being an English major tough. With the large work load consisting of mostly reading, it takes me much longer to accomplish homework than my peers. I also take tests very slow and have high anxiety. Anxiety is a huge learning obstacle for me. It keeps me from taking my time to fully understand a subject and makes me feel stressed which in turn hurts my performance.
These are obstacles that I have had to deal with my whole life. I guess you can say I am slow or to be somewhat politically correct, I am a slow learner. That is my learning style. I pay attention to little details and dwell on insignificant things because of my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This by no means makes me less intelligent than the next person, it just makes me different.

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