Friday, November 7, 2008

yawn and stretch

my first accomplishment in the dating world was mastering the movie date.
It is the first of ten and probably one many haven't put much thought into before. many think seeing a movie is a good option for a first date, you don't have to talk much, and then it gives you something to talk about later; what was your favorite part, remember when..., those people behind us were so loud, and so on, but the truth is seeing a movie with someone new for the first time can be a world shaking experience, because you don't just experience the movie. I was not a master at these movie dates until sophomore year but I will take you back to a time when I realized I got myself into a lot more than a flick. It was December of 2003, my friend Chris Peterburs asked me if I'd like to see the movie Elf (1) with him, I saw previews for it and it seemed fairly funny, I mean it has Will Ferrell in it so it had to be good. We bought our tickets, well he bought are tickets, they usher gave us the " you're on a date smirk" as he tore the tickets and informed us we were in theater one, which was directly behind him, Chris lead the way, all the way, to the top on the right side of the screen. I didn't understand at the time why you would pick a spot so far back and one to the side, when I came to movies with friends and family we always picked a spot in the middle, of the middle, not close enough to give you the neck cramp from staring upwards like you do at the base of a sky scrapper when you're trying to see the top, and not to far back where it defeats the purpose of seeing the movie on the big screen, and in the middle so you get to see the screen looking straight on. We sat down in seat where the arm rest was already planted down I watched him look at it with a puzzled look, like it was a bomb ready to explored unless he decoded it before the movie ended, after the previews he gave up on thinking of a non awkward way of removing the only thing that divided us and just said you can use me as an arm rest and pushed it up, I sat with my hands in my lap for the majority of the movie, but I would always catch his eyes glancing at them, thinking of away to dart at them. The movie went on our hands some how became entangled. I was confused on why I had to hold his hand the movie wasn't scary, and it wasn't like I we were in a crowd and had to hold on to each other so we wouldn't lose the other, and as the movie rolled to an end he looked me in the eyes and inched closer, like a dog on a rabbit, I didn't know what to do, so I did the first thing that came to mind, I inched forward in my seat, causing myself to fall to the ground as my seat flung up just skimming his chin, the credits began to roll and I got up and said wow good movie, and started to walk out, Chris and I never say a movie again, nor really talked again. I tell you this story because I don't want you to have an experience like this, my little brother is now a Junior and new to the whole girl boy world, so I help him out and give him the skills I picked up through out my years of movie dates. 1. when you pick a set in the theater find out where the arm rest is already up, so there is no awkwardness when you go to remove it the job will have already been done, order a drink, because your mouth often because very dry when you're nervous causing it to also smell, don't go for her hands if they're in her lap, that means she doesn't want your hands shes fine with hers, if they're on her knee or anywhere close to yours inch yours closer through out the film, and when she flinches or jumps grab her hand for comfort all of these skills will strengthen and grow with time but are good starting ground for unawkward first movie date.

1. Till this Day I can't enjoy watching that movie, every Christmas it becomes popular again, everyone quotes it, answers their phones saying "Buddy the Elf Whats your favorite color" and I try to laugh, try to enjoy this holiday classic as much as everyone else but I can't. You ever realize how movies become more than just movies, when you see a movie you don't just remember the plot, the actors, and funny quotes you remember the day, the people, the place, the food, your mood, the smell, and all those impact your view on the movie so much more than the movie its self. When ever i go to blockbuster and walk through the aisles memory after memory rush to my head and I think to myself how long will these thoughts stay with me, when I'm a mom and take my kids to rent a Friday night flick will my memories block them from choosing the movie of their choose? We'll the thoughts my ex boyfriend who I Bad News Bears with still have an affect on me 30 years down the road, its a good movie i want my child to see it, will my family ever have a Christmas movie night and Elf be a part of it?

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