Friday, August 29, 2008


It's funny. I remember telling myself that before I went off to college that I would stop procrastinating like I did in high school. I would study dilligently, listen to my teachers, and get good grades. And it is funny because almost everything that i told myself I would do, the exact opposite has occurred. Granted, I do not procrastinate as much, but with this 100 class, it is almost imperative to make sure that you read and have everything ready to roll in order to avoid looking like an idiot. There is always a sort of uneasy atmosphere that I put myself in when I enter the classroom, just wondering if anybody is able to understand it better than I can. It's been a really hard adjustment coming from an environment where I have been able to put a lot of humor into my response and discussion of a book, and here, I cannot even begin to try and think of something witty or even remarkably silly to say, because I have a lot of trouble understanding much of the readings. I cannot very well make a "poop" joke about our theory book, especially when I wouldn't know what to make the joke about. I also told myself that I would try to act a bit more mature than I have in the past school years (even though I still find the most childish things funny. It is my greatest wish to one day relate our readings to the childish humor that brings amusement to every nine-year-old boy). It is very frustrating when you feel like you are finally comprehending what you have read and then realize upon furthur thought that you have no idea what the hell anybody is talking about. I mean I know that it was not going to be as easy as it has been in the past, but I guess I never really expected to have everything that I've read (or what I have attempted to read) to be as confusing linguistically as it has been.

One more note, I also told myself that I would not be falling asleep in class, so Gabe, if you see me do it again, feel free to yell at me to wake me up. It's not that I find any of what we do in class boring, but it gets to be very tiring reading and talking about ideas that I am barely capable of understanding. So again, my apologies if thta annoys the hell out of anybody. If you happen to find it amusing (as I so often do when others fall asleep), feel free to give me shit about it or just laugh as I slowly fall out of my chair.

Danny B

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