Wednesday, September 3, 2008

10 things teachers and students should know.

page 77, third paragraph. I believe this sentence is trying to get at that you cannot really take off on your own until you make the effort to step forward. You have to decide for yourself when you want to begin thinking on your own when you become in touch with the world yourself. A teacher cannot do that for you. "The point of departure of the movement lies in men themselves. But since men do not exsist apart from the world, apart from reality, the movement must begin with the men-world relationship."

page 76, second paragraph. This paragraph is trying to tell you that you need to develop your own mind and think for yourself. Reality is how you percieve it to be, you can change your reality at any point. "In problem-posing education, men develop their own power to perceive critically the way they exsist in the world with which and in which they find themseleves, they come to see the world not as a static reality, but as a reality in the process, in transformation."

page 77, paragraph 5. By deepening your consciousness, or you being awarness of what is going on can help you fix things to make you future better and transform. "A deepend consciousness of their situation leads men to aarehend that situation as an historical reality susceptable of transformation.

page 70, last paragraph. The author wants teachers not to just change their lessons, but transform them so that students can still be their own. "The solution is not to "integrate" them into the structure of oppression, but to transform that structure so that they can become "beings for themselves."

page 73, last paragraph. If teachers really want to become good teachers, they need to totally forget about the banking concept and think of men as humans. "Those truely committed to liberation must reject the banking concept in its entirety, adopting instead a concept of men as concious beings..."

page 78, paragraph two. Revolutionary leaders can employ the new methods at anytime. "...the revolutionary leaders need not take full power before they can employ the method."

page 78, first paragraph. This quote I believe means that new teachers should not doubt previous teachers methods. Think about the students and what is needed for them. "Precisely because it is necessary, some men's having must not be allowed to constitute an obstcle others' having, must not consolidate the power of the former to crush the latter.

page 76, last paragraph. By useing problem posing education students become able to have the ablity to be creative where as in banking they would not. "Problem posing education bases itself on creativity and stimulates true reflection and action upon reality."

page 76, last paragraph. Problem-posing educations is never done, it is an on going process. "Problem-posing education affirms men as beings in the process of becoming, unfinished."

page 74, second paragraph. Teachers should not only teacher, they should talk with their students and allow their students to teach them important things, such as new ways to teach. "The teacher is no longer merely the one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with students, who in turn while being taught also teach."

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