Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'll have you know I cried while writing some of this...

I want this paper to.....
be unlike any paper I've written before
be true to myself
shed light on my deepest darkest secrets
yeah right!!
discover what made me decide to go into English
and if that reason is legit
decide if this profession is right for me. Karen Coats thinks I would make an awful teacher.
and finally
give me more confidence as a writer
its greatly needed right now

little white house. big tree with lots of ants. awesome. andres park.bigger house in same neighborhood. didnt live by any other kids. brother. biking with no hands. also awesome. summers in iowa with grandparents. so many memories. too many to name. sorry. itll be in the paper. sister. but still felt like only child. why is that? played by myself a lot.

Ravines. creeks. my safe haven. Playground. monkey bars. slides. heaven on earth.
Potholes and steep driveways. good side of town. quiet. secure. yet still apart of the city.
Street names like Glen Elm and Cherry Ridge. different from school. rough kids. bad influences.

Never worried about money. small house but I never went without anything.
until the move. got used to hearing no. didnt measure up anymore.

Words to Use
diversified. seperate. individual. respectful. unostentatious. apprehensive. competent. ascendency. venturesome. parlous. taciturn. affiliation. amorous. bookish. demure. whirlwind. eleemosynary. furor. sprightly. enterprising. transcedent. scholarship. selfhood. immersed. vainglorious. higgledy-piggledy. oneness. denomination. acceptance.

My sorrows
friends moving away
me moving away
and feeling alone in the world
all the years that I didnt like myself
i hated how bushy my eyebrows were
letting my religion fall to the wayside
my relationship with my dad
the time I spent with my boyfriend instead of my family. its lost now.
(and you said this was supposed to be fun)
family fights could have its own paragraph
being looked at as the bad child
silent treatments

why is it that I have more written about the bad than the good? its easier to remember the hard times than it is the good times. that saddens me.

From Eagleton
"In the early 1920s it was desperately unclear why English was worth studying at all; by the early 1930s it had become a question o fwhy it was worth wasting your time on anything else. English was not only a subject worth studying, but the supremely civilizing pursuit, the spiritual essence of the social formation. Far from constituting some amateur or impressionistic enterprise, English was an arena in which the most fundamental questions of human existence-what it meant to bea person, to engage in significant relationship with others, to live from the vital center of the most essential values-were thrown into vived relief and made the object of the most intense scrutiny"(Eagleton 55).

From Freire
"The point of departure of the movement lies in men themselves. But since men do not exist apart from the world, apart from reality, the movement must begin with the men-world relationship. Accordingly, the point of departure must always be with men in the "here and now," which constitutes the situation within which they are submerged, from which they emerge, and in which they interevene. Only by starting from this situation-which determines their perception of it-can they begin to move. To do this authentically they must perceive their state not as fated and unalterable, but merely as limiting-and therefore challenging" (Freire 77).

From Viswanathan
"The amazingly young history of English literature as a subject of study (it is less than a hundred and fifty years old) is frequently noted, but less appreciated is the irony that English literature appeared as a subject in the curriculm of the colonies long before it was institutionalized in the home country" (Viswanathan 61).

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