Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Resisting the use of complete sentence =[

I want to loosen up and not be so focused about grammar even though it’s what I like best and was drilled into my head at any early age. Just write what comes and be honest with myself

My grandpa died when I was one. Never new him told I was like him.

my brother is my best friend. speak to each other in movie quotes. Always laugh when I’m with him. Totally myself around him. not sure that i'm his best friend though.

Exactly like my dad. Sorta scary. Both completely stubborn. Very sarcastic with eachother.
Mom is my rock. Can tell her anything. She drives me crazy at times. But idk what I would do without her.

Three knee injuries/surgeries. No more basketball. Used to be my life. Miss it terribly. Wonder if I made wrong decision not to play. Feel like I don’t know where I fit in. sounds pathetic.

My hometown of morris is a small rural community. Cornfields surround me. Cornfields lead to go duck/goose hunting. My dad loves it. Me not so much especially after I had to strangle one after he shot it. It was dying anyways and choking on wouldn’t you know it…corn. I know, right? I’m a duck murder.

We have festival to celebrate the corn harvest called cornfest in Morris
-Sounds totally hick, but we all look forward to it like its Christmas.
-everyone back in town
-Walking down Main Street
-greasy food
- drunken idiots=fun to mess with
-no curfew wonder around for hours talking to people you know but you know everyone kind of a problem

The town is obsessed with football. No other sport matters. Don’t step on the field it’s “sacred ground”

Best thing to do is go to movies or bowling- no wonder kids get into trouble

R-place truck/restaurant where to go when bored. Stoned. Or drunk.

Went to a tiny catholic grade school. It was super strict. speaking and writing correctly was a necessity. Single-file lines no talking. Lived a sheltered life there. Met my best friends there
Never seem to get tornadoes. Dad thinks it’s the nuclear affect. We have nuc plants all around us. If you look at radar the severe storms break up right around us.

`Cornfields EVERYWEHRE
`Big trees in the neighborhood overlapped each other -beautiful colors in the fall.
`No sidewalks but quite enough roads to play in.
`set of railroad tracks ran right through the center of town. We could here the train coming from anywhere in town.
`Route 47 is the main drag in town all fast food places are located there speed limit 45.
`Rickety old bridge used to go over the Illinois River. New bridge there now, it was a big deal when we got a new one.
`I&M canal runs through Morris too. Many summers spent riding my bike down the bike path that runs along it.
`Huge trees would uplift the concrete sidewalks- made for some pretty bike ramps.
`only 4 places to live in Morris: (1) over the river (2) Behind the High School (3) Behind Diary Queen (4) Behind Pizza Hut. i lived behind DQ

family feud between aunts and uncles. semi-disfunctional family. family gatherings aren't fun anymore. miss everyone. hate conflict

my uncle pat died two months ago couldnt imagine losing my dad makes me cry to think about it

“It is, after all, part of society rather than a solution to it…” Pg. 57 Eagleton referring to education

“Problem-posing education affirms men as beings in the process of becoming—as unfinished, uncompleted beings in and with a likewise unfinished reality. Indeed, in contrast to other animals who are unfinished; they are aware of their incompletion. In this incompletion and this awareness like the very roots of education as an exclusively human manifestation. The unfinished character of men and the transformational character of reality necessitate that education be an ongoing activity.” Pg. 77 Feire

“’The Natives must either be kept down by a sense of our power, or they must willingly submit from a conviction that we are more wise, more just, more humane, and more anxious to imporve their condition than any other rulers they could have possibly have.’” Pg. 61 Viswanathan

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