Friday, September 19, 2008

The Spark of It

ABSTRACT: This document explores the life of Andrew Terleckyj's grandmother Irene. Spanning from the day she was born to the present day, this exploration takes a journey through challenges in life, immigration, adaptation, and parenting -- each stage separate and yet intertwined. Every 'chapter' and/or story follows a brief history or insight into the specific genre the story falls under, beginning with Irene's life in Ukraine. A history of the time proceeds her tales and helps identify the origins of certain struggles. In addition, this biography follows a "fan" like structure in which a story is interrupted by another until the piece 'fans inward' and reaches a central story -- the story of Andrew's grandmother as a grandmother. This specific account is told in full, without interruption. Afterwards, the biography 'fans out' and the previous stories are concluded. The result is a direct relation and impact to Andrew's world as he knows it. A realization is made that connects the life of Irene to the life of Andrew which, in turn, shows how her stories have instilled a timeless mark -- a mark that will remain in his heart forever.


-interview my grandmother

-interview my mother

-find articles about Ukraine at the time of my grandmother (or ask her as well)

-find effects of immigration to family life (i.e. jobs, parenting, etc.)

-include my prayer blog

-write a conclusion or wrap up

-use databases at library (also definitely Google)


-jot down experiences with grandmother

-find times where she got angry or sad

-take notes on patterns over the years

-draw a picture on paint to possibly include in my final "story"

-find information on discrimination in relation to immigration

(possibly focusing on UKRAINE)

-research the plants in my grandma's garden

-possibly track religion throughout her life and find out why it proved to be of such strong importance

-RELIGION! See its importance in immigration

-see beginning of Christianity in Ukraine possibly

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