Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dive In

"As soon as I replace my direct perception of reality by the words of a book, I deliver myself, bound hand and foot, to the omnipotence of fiction....I am thinking the thoughts of another"(353). These words written by Boothe jumped out at me when I read it. I thought yeah that makes sense. That's what I do. By that I mean diving in or surrendering to the text. Whenever I read anything that has characters or at least a story line I put myself into it. I become the protagonist. I forget about my life and just immerse myself into the words. I dont know when or why I started to do this but I love that I do. It is the reason I fell in love with reading.

Back to Boothe. This is one responsibility of the reader to the author; that they read through another person's eyes. The reader's thinking through the process of reading becomes the author's thinking. He is saying that must happen before the reader can decide whether or not he/she likes the text. The only way this process ceases is when the reader stops reading.
I thought this quote by Boothe says it all. "The only way to avoid 'thinking the thought of another'--that mysterious quite-probably-dead 'other' who chosse to tell this tale in this way--is to stop listening"(354).

This responsibility of the reader made the most sense to me aside from buying the books or "thou shalt not plagiarize." It is a process that comes naturally to me when I read a text.

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