Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another World

Reading about the responsibilites of reader's from Booth was interesting. Although I disagreed with some of the thing he talked about. He kept on discussing how authors had responsibilites to the readers, to basically fulfill our needs while we read. I do not think this should be true. It seems like with some authors it really is however. I believe an author should write for themselves, about what they want to write and how they want to write it. They shouldn't have to change their writing just to please certain people. You can always tell when an author goes astray in their books because the characters and the whole mood are sometimes thrown off with their new writing styles. Plainly, it begins to suck.

"It is not, then, that in identifying we stop thinking our own thoughts but rather that "our own" thoughts now become different from what they were. The author's thoughts have at least in part become ours." I find this quote to be completely true in some cases. There have been books that have completely changed my train of thought and have made me look at things in life completely differently. Those are the books that I truly enjoy and believe have fulfilled me in some way. We start to see things the author has in his mind and come to find a deeper meaning in the book. Not all books can have this effect on people, but not all are meant to. When books have that power to throw you into another imaginary world, even if only for a minute, I believe the author has done their job in their own way. Being thrown into that world is like taking a break from your own. You become so immersed in the book that you forget any stress or problems you may have in your real daily life. There are some books where you would, in lack of a better term, just kill to be a part of; to be able to step foot in the characters shoes and to feel what they are feeling. Sometimes you might already feel what they are feeling because you are so into the book, those moments can be wonderful.

Overall, Booth's does make a point with his writing. Reader's do have some kind of unconcious submission to the books they are reading if the book is truly worth it. We might not agree with what is being said in the novel but we find ourselves desperately trying to believe.. even if only for minute.

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