Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what I am doing here...

Like Gabe said, I took something in my life, and wrote it in the way of Nabokov. Or at least I tried to. I used big words, and elaborated on somethings that necessarily do not fit in to what I am talking about, sometimes it does not even make sense. And really, a lot of what I expand on is not true but whatever, tried! :]

My relationship with my Step Dad--

Presumably, my Mother would say that me and my Step Father do not really have a fantastic relationship, actually it is more of a relationship closer to that of a cat and dog. We are complete opposites, one feeling the need to dominate over the other. It is as if I am a baby, he talks into me, instead of to me, trying to figure me out. I do like puzzles though and it is quite hard to fathom how one can already know how to put a puzzle together before it is finished.


I read my diary from when I had first moved into that retched house of his, and I see not only the dislike I had for my "step" Father, but the lack of respect as well. Why waste my time with someone who does not care about me as much as I care about myself? I am looking in the mirror and my "Dorothy" shiny red slippers when I was 5, wondering if my step Father would approve of me walking across the wooden floor of the house with these on scuffling each end of my heal into the auburn wood. Too bad, I did. :]  His friends adore, me he sound adore me too. 


Making fun of me was his number one priority. I had to put my toothbrush back a certain way, or I would have bad dreams. After I left the bathroom he would sneak in and flip it around. Oh, the nerve that man had! But hey, I would much rather roam around outside then be in this inclosed room so often as I was put in it, I was pushed out. I never seem to get my way with this man, so I should just butt out. He was very feminine with his slicked back dew, no wonder my mother frowned upon her hair in the morning. There was no more gel for her to use! 


But alas, I love my family, my friends, oh and myself. So, I suppose I could reconcile my differences and love him too. Oh and I do love him as much as my family. He is my family. He loves me as if I am his own daughter in this faulty world, so I love him as much as my father. 

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