Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stuck In the Elevator

What will happen
What will happen
What will happen when the dog gets there.
Dogs jump up and land on the man. The young man with the blue hat and yellow hair. You read this. This is able to be read.
The man can run faster then the bus the bus does not run very fast. You ran with the man. The man reads this means you read. You read words. This is a word. Banana. That is also a word. It is a curious word and is bright. Yellow is bright and many words are bright. Some words are dark. Words make what you want them to make.
The man fell off the tall building. This is dark. You read it.
They dance together. They do it together not apart but with each other. Bright. Together words are together yet apart. Words together can be read. This is reading.
The clouds part to become apart. The sky is clear as the children do what they do. What do they do? Everyone does. Young children and cho cho trains. That is a book you can read a book. Books are meant to be read not looked at. Pictures are looked at. Hills are in pictures. This hill it taller then all others. It is important. This is a sentence. This should not be used. Some sentences are not used. Sentences used depends on what is written to be read. Movies are not reading. Movies are fun to watch but you cant read movies. I am proud if you can.
What just happened? That just happened. What is that? that is your mom. Your mom is not a sentence it is a word. That is your mom is a sentence. There is a difference. Mark it.
The Fresh prince cannot be read it is watched.
Speak is read.
Words create an image.
Speak can be watched in your head.
imagination. That is a word. It is strong. You can read one word. One word with great emotional effect.

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