Friday, October 17, 2008

Open up

You learn something thing new everyday is what my grandma once told me.
Even when you are ninety there are still things to learn.
Who is wiser than a ninety year old to teach them though?
Who said you have to learn from your elders though.
We can learn from any and every thing and one.
The only thing you have to have in order to learn is an open mind.
Student means eager, you must be eager to learn.
It is impossible to learn if you don’t want to.
The moment you open your ears and eyes and brain you will learn.
You don’t have to ask a question to learn something new.
You don’t have to open a book, or be in a class room to learn.
You can learn from watching the people around you, or talking to a peer.
If you want to learn you will.
You can learn on your own by surfing the net.
Google is a teacher, a seekers best friend.
To be a learner you must want.
You must want knowledge.
You must want understanding.
You must want answers.
You must want to advance in your thinking.
You must be alert.
You must be listening.
You must be active.
You must be present.
You can’t think you know the answers already.
You can’t think my way or the high way.
You can’t be satisfied.
You can’t be a know it all, because there are none.
To learn is easy, to close your mind and not want to learn takes effort.

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