Tuesday, October 14, 2008

gertrude stein. how to READ

Birthdays. The day of birth. Your day of birth. Your birth of day. A celebration of your birth date. A day to receive presents and cake for your day of birth. Exciting when young. Dreadful when old. Birthday parties. A party of your birth date. Why do we celebrate something that everyone has. Every one was born. Every one has a birth date. What makes your day of birth so special. People come to celebrate and give you presents and expect cake. What makes cake an expectation for your day of birth. Why does celebrating must always consist of food. Of cake. That is not a sentence. This is a sentence. Must we get fat to be happy it is ones day of birth. As well as weddings. Weddings mean cake. When rain falls on a wedding it is bad luck. Rain falls from the sky all the time. Rain drops. Made from the clouds. Falling onto the cement. Falling on your head. That was a paragraph.
Celebrations also occur for deaths. Different celebration. Celebration of a life. Life requires celebration. Celebration requires cake. Cake requires frosting. The frosting on the cake. The frosting made of sugar. Sugar which makes you hyper and on edge. On edge. On edge of life. Anticipation. Anticipation for what’s to come. Many people do not like surprises. Do not like being caught off guard. Must we always be aware of what is upcoming. Surprises. Surprise party. Surprise birthday parties. Celebrating ones day of birth with surprise. And cake. And frosting. And cupcakes with frosting. Cupcakes. A cake in a cup. Or a cup shaped cake. Celebration of cake and cupcakes. Mini cakes. Extravagant cakes. And cookies. Cookies with chocolate. Cookies with sugar. Sugar gives me a headache. Headaches which lead to migraines. Migraines are a surprise. Not a pleasant surprise. We do not plan to have migraines. They are not in our daily planners. Oh hey migraine you are one hour early I did not expect you until four. Leave and come back at four. Surprises can be pleasant. Surprises can suck. Pleasant surprises can suck. A surprise party without cake can suck. A surprise party for your day of birth. A celebration for the day you were born. Everyone else in the room has a day of birth too. Do not forget that.

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