Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Late...as usual...Danny DownS

In years previous, I once knew a man. Yet before this time, I did not know this man, but I did in fact know of another man, one who carried the same nomenclature as myself. Although Dan and Danny seem very relatable, they are in fact unable to coexist at the same time. One with a heart of gold and a desire to make people laugh, the other with a heart of malice and misunderstanding which in turn made people laugh is very laughable in thought.

As we all know, a day occurs. On that particular day, Dan and Danny decided to coexist if only for a second, in the same institution, in the same room. Whether this occurence truly happened, it is impossible to tell, for all those there to witness the event were intent on the sub-par performance of Peter Cottontail.

It is hard to distinguish the motives of Danny over Dan, but what did occur was the pompous eradication of human decency as it had been previously known. Danny, in all his glory and splendor trudged onward to meet a class that only Dan had known previously in nothing but underwear and an oversized toilet-seat rung around his neck.

Sometimes people weep, other times people stare in horror. This occurence showed neither. In fact, it showed no emotion whatsoever.

When it was all over, people looked on and a faint giggle occured. Danny had removed his diaper and ran around the room of "equals". Granted he was not nude, but the effect was nonetheless shocking. The giggle slowly grew to uproarious laughter, Danny in complete confusion. What's more, Dan, nowhere in sight up until this point, slowly came into the picture.

Dan returned and looked upon himself in disgust as he had missed the entire show and felt a invariable cold sweep over his loins. He zipped up his fly and remained sitting where he had always seemed to have been sitting as Danny slowly fizzled away.

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