Wednesday, October 1, 2008

lalalalalalalala ENGLISH

Chapter 3:
Focusing on a certain aspect of a problem a metaphor can block us from focusing on other parts. The conduit metaphor is that ideas are objects. Linguistic expressions are containers and communication is sending. Also, this chapter explains that concepts are only partially structured by a metaphor. Questions: I still do not fully understand the idea of the conduit metaphor.
Chapter 4:
This chapter introduces the theory of orientational metaphors which are metaphors that organize a whole system of concepts based on one another. These are mostly out of physical and cultural experience. A lot of metaphors deal with spatial concepts.
Chapter 5:
Out metaphors have to do with our culture. Like more is better. Some cultures believe less is better. Other countries may have different standards and values. Therefore, they would have different metaphors and may not understand.
Chapter 6:
This chapter introduces an ontological metaphor which says to view concepts as entities which allows us to deal with our experiences. Most of these metaphors are not usually seen as metaphorical. The book speaks about how a lot of things could be referred to as containers, which reminds me of Frieres banking theory. He compares students to containers.
Chapter 7:
Finally something I understand! PERSONIFICATION! This is seen as an ontological metaphor where non human things are given human characteristics. Using personifications helps us better understand concepts.
Chapter 8:
This chapter introduces metonymy. Which is using one entity to refer to another that is related to it? I’m confused on this concept. Is it giving a subject a nickname or something? I need this to be explained in easier terms.
Chapter 9:
This chapter explains the challenges to metaphorical coherence. Some metaphors can contradict one another. For example, Weeks following and proceeding weeks. Another example is that time is usually viewed as a moving object, but can also be viewed as a stationary object.
Chapter 10:
This chapter further explains our use of metaphors in everyday life. I.E. Theories are building, ideas are products…etc. One may not know that are using metaphors but every day language, but in reality most of the time that person is experiencing situations through metaphors.
Chapter 11:
What are lexicons anyway? Figurative language and imaginative language are usually forms of metaphors, but usually none of them are literal. Some metaphors are marginal in their culture. Metaphors that really only have one or two meanings and cannot branch out are considered dead. “The foot of the bed.”
Chapter 12:
Arguing that we cannot really understand anything without using some type of metaphor is the basis of this chapter. “it is possible to have equally basic kinds of experiences while having conceptualizations of them that are not equally basic.”
Chapter 13:
This chapter explains how some metaphors can be fairly bland like good is up, but some metaphors can be very descriptive. Like arguments are speaking wars. This helps to elaborate on certain concepts. Brings up that arguments are wary metaphor again.

Love is a battlefield
You’re on fire!
I’m on a roll
My computer died
You’re full of shit
I’m wasted
Keep your grades up
Cheer up
That’s all I could remember regarding this weekend.

i had a lot of run on sentences. i apologize.

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